Re: UnixWare

Icarus Sparry (
Fri, 29 Apr 1994 02:09:22 +0100

>Bennett Todd writes: 
>The only email transport agent I've heard of that is really designed
>in a more modular style, and still offers the functionality sendmail
>has led people to expect and demand, is Zachariassen's zmailer.

It is also worth looking at MMDF, and PP. MMDF is designed with a
modular style, i.e. one program to accept mail, one program to
deliver it, one program per 'channel' to transform it as required.

It was a pity that MMDF required filling in a license originally,
whilst sendmail was free. If it had been the other way around I am
sure that we would all be using MMDF.

MMDF can be found in